Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nitric Oxide: The New Hero of Human Biology

Definition of Nitric oxide

Nitric oxide: A compound that is toxic but which, paradoxically, plays a number of important roles in the body, including the following:
It acts as a vasodilator (blood vessel relaxant).
It therefore controls blood flow to tissues.
It regulates the binding and release of oxygen to
It thereby controls the supply of oxygen to mitochondria (cell powerhouses that generate energy).
It kills parasitic organisms, virus-infected cells, and tumor cells (by inactivating respiratory chain enzymes in their mitochondria).
It stimulates the production of new mitochondria.

Twenty minutes on a treadmill will certainly help you fit into that one-size-too-small dress. But new research suggests that exercise may also help increase the production of nitric oxide, a substance that does a variety of important jobs in the body, perhaps none more valuable than to help prevent heart disease.
"Nitric oxide does a variety of jobs," explains Dr. Jason Allen of Duke University. "It tends to be antiatherogenic, which means that it helps prevent your arteries from becoming clogged. From start to finish, this is a 40-year process which depends on lifestyle." That is, it's a function of what you eat, how you exercise, and the stresses you are under.
Allen and colleagues have been studying the production of nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that is responsible for producing nitric oxide. They have found that exercise increases production of the enzyme, which then increases the chances that the nitric oxide levels in the blood will increase and protect the artery lining.
The Duke researchers' first report, which was released in November 2003, found that exercise especially helped those people who were labeled "at-risk" for heart disease. In blood samples taken after exercise, they had an "almost doubling of the brachial artery reactivity," said Allen. This means that while exercise is beneficial for everyone, those with more risk factors may get extra benefit from exercise.

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